Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Art Jars

These repurposed jars from an estate sale are perfect for wrangling our many art supplies.  I used etching cream to put my kids' names on each jar and put in the art supplies. Since we already had the art supplies and etching cream, the total project cost was 40 cents for the jars.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why Green Elegance?

Definition from The American Heritage Dictionary
Elegant - excellent; choice, fine; select

Think of someone who lives a life of elegance.  What comes to mind when you think about their lifestyle.

For me elegance isn't the every day, run of the mill.  It is unique, special, and only the best.

Living green IS elegant.  What on this list is neither elegant or green?

cloth napkins
all natural, organic beauty products
specialty snacks
artesian breads
handmade, one of a kind gifts
farm fresh, free range eggs
chemical free laundry detergents
hormone free, free range, organic meats

None of the list above is reserved only for the rich, famous or Georgian era.  They are all available to all who desire Green Elegance.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

comfort food with a green twist

These corn dogs are amazing!

The recipe is from Martha Stewart Living.

We used grass-fed organic hot dogs from Applegate Farms -

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lean, Clean, and Green

I have been thinking about living green for a while now.  We did cloth diapers...for the most part...with the kids and don't use that many processed foods or crazy chemicals, but recently I had a kick in the behind that made me start a plan to live lean, clean, and green.

I went for my annual check-up and when my labs came back, they included a typed, unsigned note about my abnormal thyroid levels and a prescription for a synthetic hormone to be taken...oh yeah...forever!  No explanation or anything...like there was no need.  Needless to say, I freaked out a little bit (lotta bit).  I went to the mecca of medical knowledge...Google :) and did some research about the thyroid problem.

I found out that the thyroid controls the body's metabolism.  If you have a bad diet and exercise regimen...guilty...and your body isn't receiving enough nutrients, the thyroid slows the metabolism down in an attempt to counteract your bad diet and lack of physical activity.  Also, stress, pesticides, processed/refined foods, alcohol, caffeine, and sugary foods contribute to a thyroid slow-down.

I decided to change my diet...actually eat for a change...and begin exercising every day for at least 30 minutes.  So far so good.  Easter threw a little kink in my plan and I need to get rid of all of the candy in the house...is eating it all tonight an acceptable solution?! ;)

We also watched a movie last night called Food Inc. It is about how our food is processed before we get it.  Good grief...talk about yuck and YUCK.  Ammonia rinsed meat to get rid of the e.coli, genetically modified seeds to make them pesticide resistant, FDA and other government agencies voting not to alarm the consumer with labels letting them know what is in the food they buy...and on and on.

After seeing these things I am working on changing our home, diet and lifestyle.

So far:

We have ditched cleaning chemicals...no more Comet or Lysol...just baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice and castile soap.

I use vinegar instead of bleach and fabric softener for laundry

I bought the stuff to make laundry detergent...need to do that...

We have signed up for a produce co-op and have begun buying organic veggies and fruits at the grocery store whenever possible.

We have chickens that provide us eggs

We planted a garden...we will see how that goes...I have a bit of a wilty thumb

I will keep you updated on how the lean, clean and green living goes.  The more I learn the faster I want to get out of the habit of buying things in packages!!